SIC Conference 2021 - Save the Date
Da: Mercoledì 27 ottobre 2021 ore 14:30
Fino a: Mercoledì 27 ottobre 2021 ore 18:00
The Italian Cancer Society (SIC) announces a virtual meeting focused on the latest advances in cancer research on 27 October 2021 (2:30 – 6 p.m.).
Featuring a keynote lecture by EACR President Elect Prof. René Bernards, this half-day will be mostly dedicated to SIC young cancer researchers who will present their exciting results to a national and international audience.
Registration is free but it is mandatory for all conference participants, whether they are presenting or attending. We kindly request that you register online:
Each participant can submit one abstract. Abstracts should be relevant to cancer research and may fall into one or more of these broad areas:
i) tumor biology and immunology, ii) mechanisms of tumor onset and progression; iii) preclinical development of anticancer therapies; iv) cancer biomarkers and precision medicine.
All abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Organizing Committee and abstract submitters will be notified of the result by email within eight weeks of the submission deadline.
Abstract submission deadline: 30 July 2021
Abstracts must be submitted online: The main abstract text is limited to 300 words excluding information relating to title, author(s) and affiliation(s).
Abstract submission is open to any researcher meeting the age requirement. SIC membership is not required to submit an abstract. However, application for SIC membership will be required for authors selected for oral presentations.
Nine top-scoring abstracts will be selected for 10-minute oral presentations.
The presenting author of each abstract should be ≤ 45 years-old at the time of the abstract submission deadline (30 July 2021).
Awards will be given to the best abstract and oral presentation(s). A prize entitled to Matilde Fierro will be awarded to the best abstract focused on early diagnosis and resistance to anticancer therapies.
Up to three prizes will be awarded to oral proffered presentations.